Nexis 4 functions

Within minutes, you can create dashboards and evaluations according to your needs, generate reports or send them by e-mail. This reduces complexity and maximizes user acceptance.

NEXIS 4: Maximum openness and ease of use for effective dashboards, KPIs and reports

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NEXIS 4 features allow you to create dashboards, KPIs and reports quickly and efficiently. Within minutes, you can configure customized dashboards and reports that meet your specific requirements. These dashboards give you a clear overview of your key performance indicators (KPIs) and help you make informed decisions.

In addition, you can generate detailed reports that give you a deeper insight into your data and processes. These reports are easy to create and customize, so you get exactly the information that is most relevant to your business. Another advantage is the ability to send reports automatically by email. This ensures that important information always reaches the right people at the right time.

By reducing complexity and maximizing user adoption, the entire process of data analysis and reporting is greatly simplified. NEXIS 4 helps you to use your data efficiently and to optimally monitor and control your IT infrastructure. Rely on NEXIS 4 to increase the transparency and efficiency of your access governance and achieve your business goals.

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