Nexis 4 functions

With our WYSIWYG form editor, your IT can design, test and approve your own forms for users and workflows with just a few clicks.

Powerful, user-friendly and flexible: efficient forms management with NEXIS 4

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With NEXIS 4, we offer you powerful functions in the area of form management. With our user-friendly WYSIWYG form editor, your IT department can create, test and release custom forms for users and workflows with just a few clicks. Thanks to the intuitive user interface, forms can be customized quickly and easily without the need for extensive programming knowledge.

The WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor ensures that your IT staff can immediately see what the finished form will look like. This makes it much easier to create and adapt forms, as changes can be visualized in real time. This speeds up and simplifies the entire form creation process.

With NEXIS 4, you can ensure that your workflows are optimally supported. The forms created fit seamlessly into existing processes and provide users with a user-friendly interface for data entry. This increases efficiency and reduces data entry errors.

In addition, our solution offers extensive testing options. Before final release, forms can be extensively tested to ensure that they meet requirements and function without errors. This gives you peace of mind that your workflows will run smoothly and efficiently.

In summary, NEXIS 4 offers a flexible and user-friendly form management solution with its WYSIWYG form editor. Your IT department can quickly and efficiently create customized forms that support and optimize your business processes. Rely on NEXIS 4 to increase the efficiency of your IT workflows and ensure smooth data capture.

We are the independent consulting company

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