Vetrexa has been founded as an independent consulting company by a small team of enthusiasts.
Seeing the world with different eyes is what drives us. And so we dedicate every waking moment to 
shaping the future  enthusiasts.
Each day, we bring the world another little 
step forward – with our ideas, our passion and our visions for the future of consulting and the future of our clients & partners.enthusiasts.
Whether you need someone for a digitization project, someone to help you automate your business, a supply chain specialist, or a variety of other categories of expertise, we are 
generalists and specialists for Identity Governance (IGA) and Identity Access Management (IAM).



Vetrexa News

Vetrexa GmbH – Silver partnership with NEXIS GmbH

We are pleased to announce our new Silver Partnership with NEXIS GmbH. NEXIS GmbH is a leading company in the field of Identity and Access Management (IAM) and provider of the technology leading platform NEXIS 4.

About NEXIS 4

NEXIS 4 is an identity analytics & governance platform that provides cross-system analysis, risk assessment and visual (re-)modeling of authorization structures. The platform simplifies the maintenance of authorizations and roles and supports companies in meeting existing compliance requirements.

Advantages of NEXIS 4

  • Cross-system analysis and risk assessment: NEXIS 4 provides a comprehensive overview and assessment of authorization structures within a company.
  • Simple (re)modelling: Visual tools facilitate the adaptation and optimization of authorizations and roles.
  • Compliance support: The platform helps to meet important compliance requirements by providing transparency and control over access rights.
  • tegration of specialist departments: Configurable dashboards and services also effectively integrate specialist departments into the access governance processes, which significantly increases acceptance among end users.

Advantages for companies

By using NEXIS 4, companies benefit from increased IT security and compliance, better automation in the assignment of roles and rights and reduced administrative activities in IAM.

Our partnership with NEXIS GmbH enables us to offer our customers an advanced solution for optimizing their IAM processes. Together with Nexis, we are working to increase our customers’ IT security and efficiency while ensuring compliance with legal requirements.

Find out more about our partnership and how NEXIS 4 can support your business. Contact us for a personal consultation and discover the benefits of an improved identity and access management solution.




We are the independent consulting company

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Phone: +49 170 473 99 80

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